Saturday, June 12, 2010


So today is my 'Birthday." We are pretending today is because I am nannying on Tuesday, which is my real birthday. I have all these plans for today, and I was really looking forward to sleeping in today.
But no.
I woke up to my best friend, Morgan Pratt, standing over me with a video camera. She told me that she was going to kidnap me, and to please come with her. I was slightly grumpy and tired, and we got to her car where she told me to put the brown paper bag on my head. At first I tried to refuse, but she was having none of that. So we drive and i have this stupid bag on my head, and she keeps driving in circles so that I don't know where we are going.
She finally pulls over and turns off the car. I start to take the bag off, but she tells me to keep it on. So then we start walking down this path, and it's REALLY cold and it's sprinkling a little. We finally stops walking, she takes off the bag and
I see a whole little campsite set up, with two very good looking boys standing there. Alan and Kurt always seem to come through :) there is a tarp set up so that we don't get wet, a small red table with a gift on it (Victoria Secret box- of boy), and two vases of wild flowers.
My friends are so awesome :)
Right about now, I realize how gross I must look. I didn't get to brush my hair OR teeth, and I am wearing these sweats and a big jacket, and no make up at all. But it was still awesome. Morgan kept recording. After I hugged them all, we all sat down around the little red table and Kurt starts to make crepes, which are one of my favorite things. Morgan made hot chocolate, which is my other favorite thing. I opened the gift (a shirt, not anything scandalous thank goodness).
So the point of this post is to do good things for the people you care about!!! Be spontaneous and fun and go out on a limb to make them happy. Because this seriously just made my day. Best birthday present ever!
Have a mienrtastic day everyone!

Ashlynne Rose


  1. I'm so glad you liked it =) and you looked absolutely beautiful!! So don't even say you looked bad hahaha I was so scared that i would light a crepe on fire or something. After you and Alan left to go to your house...I turned to Morgan and was all like "so...this is actually my first time making don't tell Ashlynne because if I screw up I don't want her to know I've never made them before....I'll blame it on the camp stove or something" but I guess I pulled through. Hahahah that Victoria's Secret box was hilarious! You were so close to being way mad at me because you were thinking about what was inside the whole time hahahaha

  2. How fun! That is really cute that your friends would do that for your birthday! We will have to do something on Tuesday to celebrate a little! Loves!
