Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Song of the Week

Here in this Diary - Ataris

Here in this diary I write you visions of my summer
it was the best I ever had
there were choruses and sing alongs
and that unspoken feeling
of knowing that right now is all that matters


Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up
these are the best days of our lives
the only thing that matters is just following your heart
and eventually you'll finally get it right

-Ashlynne Rose

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Song of the Week

We'll be a dream- We the Kings ft. Demi Livato

And when the lights go off
We'll be safe and sound
We'll take control of the world
like it's all we have
to hold onto
and we'll be
a dream

-Ashlynne Rose

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Last night my parents, Kurt and I went to see the Pioneer Day broadcast done by the Tabernacle Choir and it was absolutely amazing. The singing, the stories, the instruments and the Spirit really lived up to its expectations people set for them.
Throughout the broadcast, there were short clips of interviews and bits of history of the Choir. Ever since their very first broadcast of Music and the Spoken Word, they have opened with the song 'The Morning Breaks'. It is the longest national running broadcast in America's history.
All of the songs that they sang were incredible, and they all seemed to touch the heart. A Nigerian Tribal Hymn, 76 Trombones, and Amazing Grace were among the pieces sung. They are all so different, and yet this amazing choir can master all of them. I tip my hat to them. Good job, Mack Wilberg.
-Ashlynne Rose

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Song of the Week

The Black Parade- My Chemical Romance
(Ashlynne style? Not at all. But I'm digging it.)

Sometimes I get the feeling she's watching over me.
And other times I feel like I should go. Through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets.
When you're gone we want you all to know We'll Carry on,
We'll Carry on
Though your dead and gone believe me Your memory will carry on
Carry on
We'll carry on
And in my heart I cant contain it
The anthem wont explain it

Interior Design = :D

I absolutely L.O.V.E. interior design. If you stick me in Tai Pan Trading, IKEA, or an Antique Store, you won't get me out for at least an hour. For mine and my mom's birthday, we decided that we were going to get new bedspreads for our rooms. We chose to both get something black and white so that we could switch the colors around as we pleased. So a few days before my birthday, we went to IKEA and we picked out bedspreads.
I picked one that was white with big black flowers on it. The only color was the center of the flowers, which are red, navy blue, and yellow. She picked a plain black and white and gray comforter. BORING!!!
So I came home and put it on my bed and I liked it, but it was not working with the rest of my room. Everything else was light blue, orange, and green. It was NOT okay with me. So today, I went back to IKEA to get the finishing touches. I got some red and white pillows for my bed and white chair, and a red curtain to replace the orange one. I replaced my green and orange bulletin boards for a plain corkboard, and put red and white and black ribbons on it to color it up.
And of course, all the red came to pass because of the small red IKEA table I got during my epic kidnapping :)
So there is my rant for the day. Make it Minertastic!!!!

-Ashlynne Rose

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


The internet is one of the most incredible things to have been invented. Think about it- you can send someone a message in a millisecond that lives half way across the world, and see their face and hear the voice at the same time. It's amazing.
One of the things that have come from this incredible invention is Facebook, the most used Social Networking Site. You can see what is on your best friends mind, or what your long lost elementary school crush found on farmville, or wish your cousin in Washington a very happy birthday. It makes things convenient.
But there are some setbacks to facebook, and it is almost all the becuase of the users. Some people think that posting thier inner most feelings on facebook is appropriate, and beneficial to them. They could be complaining about thier parents, or the guy that they like ignoring them, or ranting about nothing at all. Simply saying that life sucks. So people will try and give them sympathy, and the whole world can see how loved they are.
The simple truth is that these things are not meant to be shared on facebook. Some people don't realize that once you post something, it is there forever. Sure, you can delete it from your profile. But it is still in people's newsfeeds, and it will float all over the internet until the end of time.
So be weary about what you post on facebook.
Just post it on your blog :)

-Ashlynne Rose

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 15, 2010- 17th Birthday

I feel so loved today! I walk into the Sanchez home where I nanny, and the girls attack me, screaming happy birthday. We all made cupcakes together, and Heidi got me Zupas for lunch (she loves me :D). And THEN, Morgan, Alan and Kurt (the kidnappers) brought me a plate of chocolate chip cookies to my place of occupation :P. I am so spoiled. Because of this, I have made a vow to myself to always make those that I love feel special. Not only on thier birthdays, but every day. Whether it's with a card, or a smile, or a kidnapping at 5:45 in the morning to give them thier favorite breakfast. <3
-Ashlynne Rose